This is My Life: Hope without Choice

This is My Life: Hope without Choice

It was a quiet, rainy afternoon when I left the first grade for my muscle biopsy.  There were grey curtains, fluorescent lights, and a giant window facing the darkness outside after they took a tissue sample from my puny left arm.  I stayed for a week and had many...
Reeling in Realness

Reeling in Realness

I find it amusing, every time those who fear the truth come to mind.  There are so many things in life that we simply cannot avoid, no matter how much we try hiding from them.  I’d rather face the harsh reality than voluntarily deceive myself, and not because I’m some...
To Our Duchenne Moms, with Love

To Our Duchenne Moms, with Love

Dear Duchenne Moms, You’ll have to be much stronger than you already are.  If no one should tell you, everything is not going to be okay.  Nothing gets easier, while life remains merciless.  I know it well, having to face this disease for such a long time.  I may be...