by Ricky | Jun 25, 2015 | Duchenne
No. I can’t masturbate. It isn’t something that “inspirational” cripples publicly announce when they’re expected to act a certain way, while fearing women might think them asexual. Then again, I never gave a damn about what anyone thought. Sometimes I catch myself...
by Ricky | Jun 24, 2015 | Letter Box
Dear Women, There’s something I wanted to say for the longest time. Can you keep a secret? Because the truth is (and it might sound corny), you saved my life. You see it was only some years ago that my health began going downhill. As the issues kept accumulating, I...
by Ricky | Jun 23, 2015 | Romance, or Lack Thereof
I love when girls are hot. I love how warmth softly caresses her cheeks as the glowing pink clouds of early summer evenings, kissed by the lingering traces of a sunset. I love the way her hair embraces her forehead like honey on a honeycomb, how she takes a deep...
by Ricky | Jun 18, 2015 | This is My Life
“Why me?” It’s a question that I’ve asked myself since a very young age, while my physical weakness continued its progression. I never cared much about the technicalities of my diagnosis because it was simply something I had to fight through. I thought if I kept...
by Ricky | Jun 8, 2015 | Prose
When it comes to nursing, developing friendships is inevitable, especially with those who genuinely care about me (I can tell). I love my nurses, at least 99% of them. However, with Kristyn, it’s different. I met her back in 2009 when she was only seventeen years...
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